A win for the climate! Higgins campaign wrap-up
Six months of hard work culminates in a changed political landscape
It’s time to say a huge thank you to all the volunteers who letter dropped, put up fence signs, came to our weekly Vigil, talked to people and handed out campaign flyers, help organise the Higgins Candidate Forum and staffed pre-poll and polling day! We couldn’t have done it without you!
Take a look through some campaign highlights, and images in our campaign wrap-up.

Congratulations to Volunteers and Candidates
Congratulations Higgins!
Higgins CAN extends our congratulations to all the climate candidates and supporters for their efforts during the campaign to accelerate the climate vote.
We offer our congratulations to the new MP for Higgins, Dr Michelle Ananda-Rajah. You can view Dr Ananda-Rajah’s candidate statement and answers to constituent questions on climate at the Higgins Candidate Forum on YouTube here.

Higgins CAN at Climate Action Saturday!
Shout out for our volunteers and the Climate Choir last Saturday
The weather might have been a bit wild and wet, but we were not deterred by the drizzles and gusts of rain, as we handed out climate action material to voters, putting climate action firmly on the agenda.
I’m voting climate for our kids. Climate Action Now. Plus dinosaurs, the Climate Choir, a bit of singing and dancing and general good cheer.

Make your vote count – understanding voting and preferences
Voting doesn’t have to be difficult if you do your homework.
Climate is currently the biggest existential threat to humans, so if you’re planning to Vote Climate, research candidate and party climate policies before Saturday.
The ABC’s Politics Explained: House of Representatives vs The Senate video covers the basics of voting in Australia, and is a good start for someone about to vote for the first time.
The national broadcaster’s chief election analyst Antony Green has covered more than 90 elections since 1989. Click HERE to see his answers to common questions about voting and preferences.
Voting can be daunting if you’re not prepared. While how-to-vote cards handed out by political parties and independents can be a helpful guide to cast a formal vote by reminding you to fill out all the boxes, you may not agree with the order of preferences suggested.

Higgins Candidate Forum – democracy in action
How the four forum candidates will act on Climate and ICAC if elected
Higgins Climate Action Network (Higgins CAN) held a successful Candidates Climate Forum on Thursday May 5 at Malvern Town Hall with almost 400 people in attendance on a cold autumn night. The incumbent, Katie Allen had declined to attend, but Sonya Semmens (Greens), Dr Michelle Ananda-Rajah (ALP) and Andrew Johnson (Reason) had accepted.
The event took an unexpected but interesting turn 20 minutes prior to the 7.30pm event start time when sitting Higgins MP Dr Katie Allen (Liberal) phoned organisers to advise she’d be attending for half an hour or a bit longer, despite her office saying she would not be attending the previous Friday.

Rooftop Solar: now a simple, electrifying experience
Orientation? Size? Shading? Heritage factors?
If you’ve been thinking about getting solar for your home and it all seems too hard, independent, expert support is at hand – without the jargon. And it’s free!
Non-profit Metro Community Power Hub’s Solar Program offers independent advice and access to trusted suppliers, and is backed by Sustainability Victoria as part of Victoria’s commitment to reduce emissions by 50% by 2030.
Electrify Your Home – online resources
As a follow-up on our presentations about how to electrify your home, please see below for generic and specific resources which may be of use to you.
Some sites contain more information than others, so consider looking at multiple sites.
City of Boroondara
Council’s Save energy in your home page has content related to rooftop solar panels, energy assessments and tracking your energy use.
[Last checked: September 2023]
City of Glen Eira
Council’s Go renewable and electrify everything page has content related to electrifying your home, and lots of other stuff as well.
[Last checked: September 2023]
City of Stonnington
Council’s Sustainable households page has a wide variety of content.
[Last checked: September 2023]
Electrify Boroondara
Information about this new initiative can be found at the Electrify Boroondara site, and at Lighter Footprint’s Support Electrify Boroondara page.
[Last checked: September 2023]