Higgins CAN activities currently include:
- Social / volunteer events
- Climate vigils, at MPs’ offices, and elsewhere
- Using social media to share information with the public
Here and Now
We are conducting a ‘No New Oil or Gas’ campaign. We aim to keep our community focused on the urgent need for our politicians to lead us in taking ‘Real Climate Action, Now’.
Currently, most of our events are supporting this campaign.
Past Events
Feb 2024
Climate Vigil – Thursday 29 Feb, 11am-12pm

WHEN: Thursday 29 Feb, 11am-12pm
WHERE: Michelle Ananda-Rajah’s office, 1343 Malvern Rd, Malvern
Join us in a respectful reminder to Michelle of our expectation that she act to effectively tackle climate change. No booking needed.
It’s really important we get a big crowd at this vigil because the QLD Govt has given the green light to Whitehaven Coal’s Winchester South coal mine – and this is not ok!
Whitehaven Coal’s Winchester South coal mine in central Queensland’s Bowen Basin plans to extract up to 17 million tonnes of coal a year for about 30 years. This equates to 583 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions, more than three times QLD’s annual emissions.
Join us so we can make our voices heard, and stop Federal approval for this disastrous project – NO NEW COAL OR GAS!!!
Street Stall – Sunday 25 Feb 2024, two hours between 11am-6pm

HigginsCAN and Lighter Footprints are looking for volunteers to help staff a street-stall at the Ashburton Community Festival and engage our community on taking action on climate!
- ‘No new coal or gas’ petition
- Lighter Footprints and HigginsCAN events
- Join our working groups
No particular expertise required. All you need is 2 hours and a ready smile!
REVIEW – Refugees in a Changing Climate (6 Feb 2024)

Oli and Janet (4th and 5th from left) with supporters of Grandmothers for Refugees and of Higgins CAN.
Thank you to our fantastic speakers Janet Joss and Oli Moraes who spoke to a packed room at the Malvernvale Hotel on Tuesday night. It was a great evening, covering a variety of important issues relating to refugees and climate change.
Janet Joss from local group Grandmothers for Refugees gave us a really insightful overview of the plight of refugees since coming to Australia and the misguided policies that are causing much unnecessary pain and suffering, and what needs to be done to support these people in need. You can get involved via the Grandmothers for Refugees website – you don’t even need to be a grandmother to join in – all welcome!
Oli Moraes from Climates spoke about how communities Fiji and the Pacific Islands are adapting to the effects of climate change at a grass-roots level. Climates champions local empowerment through a range of community led initiatives including microgrants and elevating Pacific voices on climate action, justice and resilience. You can learn more about these important climate change initiatives in the Pacific via the Climates website.
INVITATION: Refugees in a changing climate

WHEN: Tuesday 6 February 2024, 6.30pm – 9.00pm
WHERE: Malvernvale Hotel, 1321 Malvern Rd, Malvern
Join us for a meal at our first Higgins CAN get together for 2024 to learn more about the amazing work of local advocacy group Grandmothers for Refugees. Then hear how the future will look for the millions of predicted climate refugees around the world from Climates.org.au, and how we can play a part in supporting them.
Janet Joss from Grandmothers for Refugees
Oli Moraes from Climates.org.au
State Election 2022 – Candidates Forums
Malvern Candidates Forum, RSVP for free tickets.
Ashwood Candidates Forum
We continue to prepare for our Candidates Forums. Details will be posted on our Home Page as they become available.
Thursday 6 Oct 2022 – Electrifying energy, electrify our homes
Lighter Footprints has posted a recording of the event on Youtube here.

Online Panel with Richard Keech
Are you concerned about your family’s health, Climate Change and sick of expensive energy bills?
Watch the webinar and discover how you can cut costs by electrifying your home, while at the same time saving the planet and providing a safer home for your family.
Guest speakers included Richard Keech, an engineer, consultant and author with particular interest in energy-efficiency and renewable-energy technologies and their role in society’s response climate change.
He has masters degrees in both Engineering (Electronics) and Environment (Energy Efficiency).
Richard has been involved with Beyond Zero Emissions (BZE, an environmental NGO) since 2007 and wrote a book for BZE titled, “The Energy-Freedom Home.”
Getting off gas is a win-win solution, with the renewable energy industry able to provide training and even more jobs for Australians. After this webinar, you’ll also be better informed about gas supply and the gas market in Victoria.
Victorian election 2022 – climate vigils
Our campaigns in the Malvern and Ashwood electorates are proceeding with pace, and our vigils are flying the flag for climate action. Check out some of the details on our Home Page.

Thursday 18 Aug 2022 – Climate Health Panel

Climate Health Panel led by Dr Catherine Pendrey
Catch the online presentation on YouTube here
“Climate change is the greatest global health threat facing the world in the 21st century, but it is also the greatest opportunity to redefine the social and environmental determinants of health,” according to the Lancet Countdown.
Online agenda here
“Climate change and extreme heat are serious public health issues. We’ve seen from COVID-19 that the most effective way to combat public health threats is with a public health response and that’s really what we need for climate change and health as well.”
– Dr Catherine Pendrey
Webinar speakers

Dr Catherine Pendrey: (MBBS(Hons), BMedSci(Hons), GDipEcon, FRACGP) is a GP based in Melbourne.
A former member of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network (Asia Pacific), she has also held senior roles in Doctors for the Environment Australia and Climate and Health Alliance. Catherine is undertaking her Masters of Philosophy in Applied Epidemiology at the World Health Collaborating Centre for Reference and Review on Influenza in Melbourne.

Dr Eugenie Kayak: (FANZCA, MBBS, MSc, MPH) is a Melbourne-based public and private anaesthetist.
Eugenie is also convenor of Doctors for the Environment Australia’s (DEA) national Sustainable Health Care Special Interest Group. She has been involved with numerous sustainable health care publications. Eugenie advocates that the healthcare sector has a duty to lead change across multiple sectors to mitigate emissions and improve sustainability.

Dr Will Howard is a Anaesthetist and pain medicine specialist
Will is a founder of Higgins CAN and a member of Doctors for the Environment Australia (Higgins).
“While climate science is complex, the message from the experts is simple: Australia needs to act right now to reduce emissions significantly.”
Tuesday 14 June 2022 – Higgins VoteClimate Volunteer Celebration

Congratulations and a huge thank you to all our volunteers!
Without all your efforts we could not have done this!
Higgins CAN volunteers celebrated our win on Tuesday, June 14, at the Orrong Hotel
Thanks so much for your amazing commitment, enthusiasm and hard work in the lead up to the federal election.
Saturday 14 May 2022 – Climate Action

Shout out for our volunteers and the Climate Choir at Pre-poll
The weather might have been a bit wild and wet, but we were not deterred as we handed out climate action material to voters, putting climate action firmly on the agenda, with a bit of singing and dancing and general good cheer.
Thursday 28 April 2022 – Day of Action

A huge thank you to everyone who participated in our Higgins CAN ACTION DAY last Thursday, April 28, serenading with Melbourne’s Climate Choir, to persuade Higgins MP Dr Katie Allen to attend our May 5 Higgins Candidates Climate Forum. This was on the back of a flurry of calls, and months of emails to her office.Higgins CAN members are not deterred by her refusal – Higgins voters are gathering to hear other candidates vision for change, as we work tirelessly for a safer climate, transitioning to clean energy and gathering the whole community for the very urgent task of reducing emissions.
Read our blog on the Higgins Day of Action here
Saturday 5 March 2022 – Signage blitz and street conversations in Malvern

Higgins CAN volunteers helped Friends of the Earth to hand out yellow Climate Action Now signs and talk with locals about Climate on Saturday morning. Whoohoo!
After meeting near Giorgios restaurant, on the corner of Glenferrie Rd and High St Malvern, nearly twenty of us spread out in groups of two and three along both roads. And our new ‘Climate Action’ aprons had their first outing.
An interesting hour later, we regrouped and shared stories as part of our debrief.
Malvern locals and visitors were very receptive to our message, and took most of the signs that we brought along. The buzz is getting louder!
Thanks to all who came along, and to those who worked in the background to make it happen.